Green lipped mussel extract powder, the nutrients that have been taken from the raw mussel, have been found through research and studies to be useful for the following: Limiting and prevent inflammation to keep it from becoming prolonged and excessive. Relieving pain and helping with mobility issues associated with joint problems and arthritis

The particular nutrients responsible for these benefits are an exclusive combination of omega-3 fatty acids which are an effective anti-inflammatory, and glycosaminoglycan substances that provide lubrication to our joints along with the repair and growth of cartilage.

Green Lipped Mussel Extract Nutrients

Study carried out by Dr. Howard Peiper, a Pulitzer Prize nominated author and nutrition and natural health professional, compared the omega-3 in the mussels with Salmon oil. He noticed that the mussel omega-3 was much more powerful than the Salmon by over 200 times - and additionally said that green lipped mussel omega-3 was revolutionary for essential fatty acid supplement making.

In case you are one of the numerous affected by cellulite, then you have definitely mulled over this question, "does a low fat diet reduce cellulite?" In a nutshell, yes it does. Never the less, not just any old diet will work.

Glycosaminoglycans: These are also known as chondroitin and glucosamine, that are naturally found in our bodies, and are important for our joint health.

What these compounds specifically do is lubricate our joints, safeguard connective tissues, and repair and restore injured cartilage - all very important functions for keeping our joints working appropriately without pain or mobility issues.

Nevertheless, through wear and tear over time, along with continually losing the glycosaminoglycans as we grow older, our joints frequently become inflamed and damaged, and diseases like arthritis occur.

Having the green lipped mussel extract available for replacement of these compounds, along with the omega-3 anti-inflammatories for alleviating pain and reducing inflammation, makes this an extremely valuable supplement to have available.

Green Lipped Mussel Extract Side-effects

What is very problematic for anti-inflammatory drugs are the related adverse effects - you take the medicines to solve one condition, and then you end creating another one that might even be worse that what you originally took the medicine for.

The anti-inflammatory drugs most often used for reducing inflammation and pain relief are the nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs NSAIDs and medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen. VIO was a NSAID that had to be taken off of the market because of all the heart problems and even fatalities that were attributed to the medicine.

Though VIO was an exception, the anti-inflammatory drugs do have serious side effect concerns from long term usage; these are gastrointestinal problems, and hemorrhaging problems.

These adverse effects make the green lipped mussel extract supplements even more beneficial - they do not have adverse effects to be concerned with for those who are not allergic to shellfish. If that is the case, then be sure to check with your physician before taking them.

When looking at nutrition, many of us start off on the wrong foot. They do not know where to begin because they are often concentrating on things like weight loss rather than overall nutritional health.

Green lipped mussel extract benefits our health in several important ways. Please come to our website to learn more about these benefits, along with how to make sure that you are getting the best green lipped mussel extract out there

Green Lipped Mussel Extract Benefits Our Health In A Number Of Important Ways
Omega-3 is present in various types of sea life, especially fatty fish such as Tuna, Salmon, and Hoki - as well as shellfish, of which the Green Lipped Mussel may be the richest natural food source of them all.

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